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French Crepes

Yield: 4 servings

Source: Link



  1. In a large bowl, combine eggs and milk, then add in melted butter, sugar, and salt. Mix well
  2. Gradually sift all-purpose flour into the mixture. Mix until no lumps
  3. Sift all mixture into another large bowl. For small lumps, gently use a rubber spatula to run in a circular motion on the sieve, until most of the lumps have passed through.
  4. Cover the bowl with mixture with cling film. Let rest for ~20 minutes
  5. Now crepes are ready to cook. Put non-stick pan on medium low heat, then lightly coat the pan with some butter
  6. Pour approximately 1/2 cup of batter to the pan, and quickly swirl the pan around so that the bottom of the pan is evenly coated with the batter
  7. You will know when the under part is cooked when you swirl the pan around and the crepe can easily detach from the pan. Flip it using either a wide spatula or flip the pan
  8. After flipping, cook the other side for ~30 seconds. Remove crepe from the pan and set aside. Put a sheet of paper towel between crepes to absorb excess butter
  9. Repeat until you use up all the batter
  10. When serving crepes, I recommend putting on a generous amount of Nutella on the bottom half of the crepe, then slice one strawberry into 3 to 4 thin pieces and put them on the bottom left quarter of your crepe. When folding, pick up the right edge and fold along the vertical line first, so that the top part has no filling and the bottom part are strawberry slices sandwiched between Nutella. Then, fold along the horizontal line, so that your crepe is now 1/4 of its original circular size.
  11. (optional) Dust some powder sugar on top to your liking
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